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Your support is crucial.
Your support and contributions will enable us to offer the best care for our horses and find them loving homes.
West Virginia Horse Network, INC. is a 501 (c) 3 Tax Exempt organization. Donations to our group are tax-deductible. Our EIN number is 47-2241488. Confirm our tax-exempt status here:
We will send you a receipt for your donation at your request. Please indicate at the time of your donation where you would like the receipt to be sent.
If monetary donations are not in your cards right now, we completely understand! Below we have listed tangible items we could also benefit from.

Donate Items
Food & Supplements: Feeding and rehabilitating horses is quite expensive. If you would like to donate feed, hay, supplements, or medications, we are always happy to accept. If you would like to purchase items directly from the feed store, please let us know and we can coordinate a pickup with one of our volunteers. We can also always use good quality grass hay in square bales. We must request that the hay be delivered to our main facility as we have limited resources to travel to pick up the hay.
Tack & Stable Supplies: We can use always use halters, bridles, winter blankets, saddles, saddle pads, buckets etc. that are in good usable condition.